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Clasificación LC   HT609
F28 2006
Acervo   Todos los ejemplares
ISBN   Link9780470098288 (paperback)
Autor   LinkFaux, Geoffrey P.
Título   LinkThe global class war : how America’s bipartisan elite lost our future- and what it will take to win it back / Jeff Faux.
Pie de Imprenta   Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, ©2006.
Descr. Física   xii, 292 pages ;  25 cm.
Bibliografía   Includes bibliographical references (p. 255-271) and index.
Contenido   NAFTA : class reunion -- "Good jobs" and other global deceptions -- The governing class: America’s worst-kept secret -- How Reagan and Thatcher stole globalization -- A bipartisan empire -- Alan, Larry, and Bob save the privileged -- NAFTA : who got what? -- The constitution according to Davos -- America abandoned -- After the fall -- Imagining North America -- Towards, and beyond, a continental democracy.
Tema   LinkSocial classes
  LinkElite (Social sciences)
  LinkElite (Social sciences) -- United States
  LinkInternational economic relations
  LinkNorth American Free Trade Agreement (1992 December 17)
  LinkNorth America -- Economic policy
  LinkUnited States -- Economic conditions -- 21st century
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