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Clasificación LC   KJE5632.A8
C43 2022
Acervo   Todos los ejemplares
Formato   Conferencia
ISBN   Link9780367543228 (paperback)
Autor   LinkCastelli, Annalisa, editor
Título   LinkThe challenges of public procurement reforms / edited by Annalisa Castelli, Gustavo Piga, Stéphane Saussier and Tünde Tátrai ; Christopher H. Bovis ... (and other) authors.
Pie de Imprenta   Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY : Routledge, 2022.
Descr. Física   xix, 232 pages ;  24 cm.
Serie   Link( Routledge studies in public economics and finance )
Bibliografía   Includes bibliographical references and index.
Contenido   1. Life-cycle costing in public procurement: Colloquium / Stéphane Saussier and Christopher H. Bovis -- 2. Life-cycle thinking in EU public procurement: Moving beyond a simple ’buzz word" Dacian C. Dragos and Bogdana Neamtu -- 3. LCC and GPP: Competing or complementary approaches? / Aurea Adell Querol, Bettina Schaefer and Josep Esquerra I Roig -- 4 Calculating the costs and savings of public procurement: Colloquium Giancarlo Spagnolo and Andreas H. Glas -- 5 Challenges and methods for cost analysis in public procurement: Lessons from the procurement of public transportation services in the Stockholm region André Åslundh -- 6. Reference prices and Italian spending review / Fabrizio Sbicca -- 7. Corruption and probity in public procurement: Colloquium / Tünde Tatrai and Francesco Decarolis -- 8. Challenges in public procurement: Corruption and probity in public procurement / Marion Chabrost -- 9. Municipal procurement of social care: opportunistic behavior opportunities / Niels Uenk, Jan Telgen and Madelon Wind.
  10. Public procurement and international trade agreements- CETA, TTIP and beyond: Colloquium / Christopher R. Yukins and Mihály Fazekas -- 11. Growing significance of regional trade agreements in opening public procurement / Jean Heilman Grier -- 12. Transatlantic trade and public procurement openness: Going beyond the tip of the iceberg Lucian Cernat and Zornitsa Kutlina-Dimitrova.
Resumen   "Public procurement affects a substantial share of world trade flows, amounting to 1000 billion euros per year. In the EU, the public purchase of works, goods and services has been estimated to account on average for 16% of GDP. The novelty of this book is that it focuses on the new European Union Directives approved in 2014 by the EU Parliament. The book consists of original contributions related to four specific themes of interest to the procurer’s day to day role in modern public purchasing organizations - both economists and lawyers, allowing for relevant exchanges of views and "real time" interaction. The four sections which characterize the book are Life Cycle Costing in Public Procurement; Calculating Costs and Savings of Public Procurement; Corruption and Probity in Public Procurement and Public Procurement and International Trade Agreements: CETA, TTIP and beyond. These themes have been chosen for their current relevance in relation to the new European Public Procurement Directives and beyond. The original format features, as is the case with the first three volumes, an introductory exchange between leading academics and practitioners, from differing disciplines. It offers a series of sequential interactions between economists, lawyers, and technical experts who supplement one another, so as to enrich the liveliness of the debate and improve the mutual understanding between the various professions. This essential guide will be of interest to policymakers, academics, students and researchers, as well as practitioners working in the field of EU public procurement"-- Provided by publisher.
Tema   LinkGovernment purchasing -- Law and legislation -- European Union countries -- Congresses
  LinkGovernment purchasing -- Economic aspects -- European Union countries -- Congresses
  LinkLaw reform -- European Union countries -- Congresses
Coautor Personal   LinkPiga, Gustavo, editor
  LinkSaussier, Stéphane, editor
  LinkTátrai, Tünde, editor
  LinkBovis, Christopher H.
Reunión   LinkInterdisciplinary Symposium on Public Procurement (4th : 2018 : Paris, France)
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